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Phone & Con-call Etiquette

Phone & Con-call Etiquette

Duration: 35 minutes

Unleash your capabilities and broaden your horizons with the specialised e-learning course designed to elevate your proficiency in phone and conference call etiquette.


Explore the essential principles and practical applications of effective communication in the professional realm. Understand the importance of maintaining a positive tone, and actively listening to enhance collaboration during virtual team meetings. Identify and overcome challenges, facilitating smoother and more productive interactions in your professional engagements.

Join us on this enlightening journey in promoting positive interactions, professionalism, and successful collaboration within the dynamic landscape of the business world. Say goodbye to awkward silences, misunderstood intentions, and missed connections. Our course is your secret weapon, arming you with the techniques and strategies to command any room, close any deal, and forge genuine connections that propel your career skyward.

  • Mastering professional connectivity: Role of phone and conference call etiquette in business settings
  • Mastering phone etiquette: A guide to professional communication
  • Mastering conference call communication: Tone, clarity, and active listening for effective interaction
  • Mastering seamless communication: Navigating pitfalls in phone and conference calls
  • Cultural etiquette in telecommunications: Phone and conference call interactions

The course aims to:

  • Understand the importance of phone and conference call etiquette in professional settings
  • Assist learners in getting used to proper phone etiquette
  • Explain effective communication skills during conference calls, considering tone, clarity, and active listening
  • Help learners to identify and avoid common pitfalls in phone and conference call communication
  • Outline cultural considerations in phone and conference call interactions

  • Interactive simulations, offering hands-on experiences in applying effective communication skills during phone and conference call interactions.
  • Examples based on real-life scenarios to experience the challenges faced in the professional realm.
  • Confront practical challenges that demand creative thinking, allowing you to develop and refine your communication skills in authentic, real-world contexts.
  • Receive ongoing feedback throughout the course, providing insights into your progress and identifying specific areas for improvement in phone and conference call communication.
  • Engage in interactive assessments that gamify the application of proper phone and conference call etiquette. Earn rewards for successfully demonstrating effective communication skills in various scenarios.

Embark on this learning adventure with us. Enroll today for our course on phone and conference call etiquette!

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