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Insider Trading

Insider Trading

Duration: 35 minutes

Delve into the intricacies of securities trading designed for professionals, investors, and compliance officers. Join us on this journey to enhance your knowledge, foster ethical trading practices, and navigate the complex landscape of financial markets with confidence.


This course offers a nuanced exploration of the legal, ethical, and regulatory aspects surrounding insider trading. From understanding the roles of insiders to navigating breaches of fiduciary duty and material non-public information (MNPI), participants will gain valuable insights into the detection, prevention, and penalties associated with insider trading.

  • Meaning of Insider and Insider Trading
  • Types of Insider Trading
  • SEBI regulations for Insider Trading
  • Prevention, detection, and penalties for Insider trading at the workplace

The course aims to:

  • Define Insider Trading
  • Identify different types of Insider Trading
  • Explain different types of Insider Trading
  • Discover Indian Insider Trading Laws
  • Reveal the tips for detection and prevention of Insider Trading
  • Examine the penalties for Insider Trading

  • Interactive activities to help you understand concepts.
  • Continuous feedback on your progress and performance.
  • Interactive scenarios that simulate real-life situations.
  • Case studies based on real events to enhance your knowledge.
  • Interesting knowledge checks throughout the course to help you reinforce your learning and stay engaged.
  • Engaging assessment that challenges you to apply your knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios.

Join us to ignite your professional journey with a powerful compass that will guide you to success.

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